Week Thirty-One: All About You - In Three Parts
I've spent probably the last hour navigating between cooking dinner and checking over my list, trying to decide what it is that I wanted to talk about this week. And that's when it hit me: I don't want to talk about myself this week. While I understand the purpose of this project is to work on myself, accomplish some new goals, mark off a self-imposed bucket list so that when I die, whenever that fateful day is forty, fifty, one million years from now (who knows, maybe my work will allow me to live on forever?), I'll feel some measure of accomplishment, so that this last year of my twenties was not wasted on the folly of youth. But my life is not just mine. It doesn't just belong to me. It belongs to all of my friends and family and colleagues. This project belongs just as much to the people I love as it does to me. You've all celebrated, sympathized, understood my doubt and curbed my fears, and turned my sadness into joy. Every step of this year, though there...