On Gratitude

It's been more than a couple of weeks. I know. And right now, the only excuse I can muster is cancer. Having cancer sucks. It's not like in the movies where having been given this unfortunate diagnosis, I'm suddenly overcome with worldly wisdom and oh yeah by the way the great love of my life has suddenly found themselves in my path, not caring how sick I am just how beautiful my soul is. It's never like in the movies. It's mostly being tired and nauseous and dizzy and never having the energy to participate in my own life. It'll get better. It has to. My body will get used to the chemo and I won't be so sick all the time and I can eventually resume my normal routine. At least that's the theory. I started my new chemo med a couple of weeks back (December 27th) and I wish I could say that it's going well so far but the truth is that my head hurts and I'm constantly tired and throwing up is my least favorite part of everyday. ...