Week Seventeen: On Platonic Love

Platonic Love: a relationship between two individuals deeply rooted in friendship, respect, and non-sexual love. We have some catching up to do. Let's tackle the easy stuff first. First, as I am usually exceedingly punctual in all things, I apologize this is so late. The week got away from me and that's just the way it goes sometimes. Sunday rolled around and I had been more or less out the entire weekend (minus Saturday when I admittedly spent the majority of the day wildly hungover; more on that later) and I simply lacked the physical and mental energy to write at all. Monday, I got home from work far too late in the day to be anywhere close to productive. And yesterday, though I sat down to work on my blog for the week, flushing out my thoughts on this weeks topic was more difficult than I would have anticipated. So, thus. Here we are on Wednesday finally catching up. Second, I cut my hair! Some of you may not have seen this but alas: #SorryNotSorry that I made ...