Week Fourteen: On Setbacks & Puppy Birthdays

I'd like to preface this weeks blog with a confession: I have fallen behind on all of the things.

As you know, last week I had to deliver the absolutely awful news of losing literally the perfect apartment in Fort Collins and as a result of such a devastating tragedy, all of my spare time has been spent since then resuming the ever time consuming hunt for housing. It goes without saying, and I'm sure some of you are well aware, that looking for an apartment is a massive time suck. Today, for example, I looked at two different places that weren't great fits for a variety of reasons and that took up at least two hours of my afternoon on top of drive time, coordinating time with the current tenants, communication, etc.

I'm just tired of it. Why can't an apartment that's a good fit fall in my lap? I just want a place that's within my budget, has a backyard for my dog, a washer and dryer, and isn't a complete dump. Having a reasonably responsible roommate on top of all that would be a bonus. Are the things I'm looking for really so difficult?

And so it continues. I'm sure that something is bound to come up sooner or later. It has to. Right?

So, as a result of my lack of free time, not to mention general stress, some of the ongoing goals for my #30Before30 list have been lost and forgotten. Like I mentioned last week, my keto diet has yet to resume and with every passing day, I seem to grow more weary about starting up again. I haven't picked up a book since the middle of February (and more to the point, I never even finished my February book!) and the notion of putting effort into my appearance for anything other than work seems so incredibly daunting that I barely bother with it. Shoot, this last week at work, I think I wore my hair up with so much dry shampoo that my entire head was probably made of dry shampoo.

This is not by any means new behavior; I've always had a penchant for talking my way out of accomplishing things in the time that I intended them to be accomplished. "Oh, I'll start working on that thing as soon as the other thing is done."  You know, something along those lines. The mantra I've been repeating lately is, "I'll get back on my keto diet as soon as I have more control over what I'm eating." or "I'll start working on building up my savings once I'm established in a new place." 

I think we all know how well things like this work out. Why is it that we find ways to talk ourselves out of doing what we're supposed to? Do you think perhaps its fear of failure or lack of motivation or perhaps something else? Hard to say for sure.

This week's blog is going to be short because to be frank, I don't have much to talk about. My lack of diligence with this project has faltered and while I'm trying not to dwell on it, I also recognize that it's not productive to beat myself up over this hurdle. There are still nine whole months this year (including April!) for me to knock out this list and I'll be damned if I don't check off every single one--even if that means having that little bitty break to get all of the things sorted. (And yes, I am well aware that this is an excuse. I'm working on it, okay?)

Before I go, I'll leave you with this:

My sweet Isabelle turned seven today! Surprise (not so surprise), I spoiled her rotten! She got not one but two treats, two new toys (which she promptly destroyed in less than an hour), and a two mile walk today. I'd say she's lucky to have me but we all know it's the other way around. Happy April, friends!


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