So Long and Thanks for All the Fish

Oh, hello! It's nice to see you. Hard to believe that a year has gone by since we last spoke. Amazing how time flies, isn't it?

Let's catch up. 

Have a picture for the algae-rhythm.

If you recall, last July, Tom and I announced that we would be moving to St. Louis (Missouri) and with one week remaining before our departure, the time has finally come! The house is filled with boxes, the lease for the new place is signed, and seven days stand between us and a new chapter. 

Though we are obviously very excited to be going, such changes do come with their own type of heartache. For one, our lives are here. Friends and loved ones have been pouring out their love for us, lamenting how much we would be missed and asking some semblance of the same questions over and over and over again - "Why are you leaving? Why did you choose Missouri? Isn't it hot and humid there?". While it's true that Missouri is indeed hot and humid (and its political climate has us feeling concerned), the opportunities that we will find there outweigh any reservations we have about leaving. 

You may remember that back in 2022, Tom opened up a restaurant with his business partner that failed miserably through no fault of his own. This "business partner" (which is a term I would use very, very, very loosely because this person is only skating by on the saving grace of his wealthy parents and his wife's wealthy parents) made Tom's life hell - seventy hour workweeks for a straight year and all for a $28k salary that said B.P. unbelievably said was an "over payment" of services. Complete malarkey. Each time I drive past the restaurant, I daydream about its inevitable failing. Does it make me terrible that I look forward to such gloating? Maybe it does but it would be deserved. 

For Tom, the chance to work for himself without having to endure the ego and alcoholism of his former "friend" is reason in and of itself to move. STL is a growing city with so much opportunity and combined with the lower cost of living, the transition will only benefit us. It's also true that St. Louis has a much more affordable real estate market. If housing were affordable here, I'm not sure that we would want to move but that is where life is taking us. We're so tired of being renters and having a place that is completely ours, a home that is well taken care of and not an afterthought by greedy landlords who value profit over maintaining their investments, is worth the cost to leave. Just for comparison sake, for what we want, a house in that area is under $200k (if not under $100k!) and that same size house here would be well over half a mil. Wild, right? 

There's also one major reason that I wanted to leave: family. It might not be much of a secret but the relationship I have with my family here is tenuous at best. Though it's not my story to tell, and I'm not in the business of public shaming, there are many, many, many reasons that I am ready to leave my "home" behind. Save for a few extended family members, I have no familial ties otherwise to hold me here which I think is for the best. At least in Missouri, both of us will be welcomed by family who actually want us there and treat me with the love, respect, and attention that I deserve. 

So, off we go! I'd be lying if I said I wasn't at least a little scared because we know literally no one in the city of St. Louis and the closest family members are at least a few hours drive away but I think it'll be wonderful. Getting to see life from another perspective, do new things, meet new people, grow as people. What an opportunity!

Friends, if you've made it this far, I welcome you to join us for a going away shindig at Night Shotz in Loveland on the 20th! We'll be congregating around 3 PM (but seriously show up whenever you want) and will be there for an indeterminate amount of time. 

It goes without saying but I'll say it anyway: I love you all. Here's to STL!


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